North London Music Therapy is more than just its name. Though our main service is our therapy clinic, you can find us working on a variety of projects and collaborations throughout the North London community, and beyond. Read on to find out more, and if you are interested in discussing any of our services with us, please contact us here
At the core of our services is our clinic, located in the beautiful Stephens House and Gardens in Finchley. We offer 1-to-1 music therapy sessions to individuals with a variety of mental and physical health backgrounds, including anxiety, depression, autism, and more. Our patients range from children to adults, and are usually with us on a long-term basis - we truly focus on every individual’s needs, aiming to get them to the point where they are comfortable and coping without therapy. Many of our patients are also referred to us from local health authorities, and organisations such as BAPAM and Resources for Autism. If you ever drop by our clinic, there is always someone on site to talk to!
Care Homes
We have a partnership with the Two Rivers care home, whose residents are young women of South Asian descent, who have learning disabilities or autism. This partnership is led by our therapists Priya Vithani and Rivka Gottlieb, who go in to run twice-weekly music therapy sessions for the residents.
We have also recently partnered with Jewish Care, an organisation for elderly Jewish residents, and will soon be running group sessions in their brand new facility in Stanmore.
Research, Reports, Lectures and Conferences
As well as bringing music therapy to individuals, we are keen to further its power and reputation in the academic world, hopefully leading to an impact on wider healthcare.
We were thrilled to recently partner with UCLH on a research project, measuring the effects of music therapy on several of their patients undergoing rehabilitation for strokes and advanced brain injuries. The results were highly promising, with 57% of patients and carers reporting feeling ‘much better’ after their music therapy session.
We regularly lead lectures on music therapy and the path to becoming a music therapist at institutions such as the Guildhall School of Music & Drama, and the Institute of Contemporary Music Performance.
You’ll also find us at some conferences - not only attending and speaking, such as the recent European Music Therapy Conference, but also running our own. Though delayed by the pandemic, we plan to host our next conference in November 2022, along the theme of ‘Music and Mental Health’, with a variety of presenters and speakers from the music industry,, the music therapy world, the medical profession and beyond.
Workshops and Trainings
We offer workshops in music therapy, usually to healthcare professionals looking to integrate music into their practice, but these could be beneficial to anyone who feels that music therapy could aid their practice or workplace.
We also offer 1-to-1 trainings, covering music and vocal skills - these skills are tremendously beneficial and transferable to many walks of life, particularly any that involve public speaking or presenting.
Remember, if you’re interested in any of our services, don’t hesitate to get in touch