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North London Music Therapy is now a CIC!

Updated: Nov 5, 2021

To donate to North London Music Therapy, follow this link

There's been a lot going on behind the scenes at NLMT HQ. While we've been operating as an organisation for almost three years, we decided to only make the switch to becoming a formal company at the point when we found the right structure for what NLMT and our patients need.

And now, we've made that step. As of the end of July 2021, North London Music Therapy is officially a Community Interest Company!

But what does this mean?

Stepping towards sustainability

A Community Interest Company (or a CIC for short) is a hybrid between a traditional Limited Company business and a charity. It means we can still provide the same high-quality music therapy we've been delivering for the past three years, but now we can also fundraise to help cover essential costs that exist as part of running sessions.

A proportion of the people who come for music therapy can't afford the full fee. This is often directly linked to the mental health reasons they are coming for therapy in the first place - their mental health is affecting their ability to work or to retain a job, and has a hugely negative impact on their quality of life.

NLMT would never turn anyone away from music therapy for financial reasons, but being able to create a Subsidies Fund means that we can move towards offering a more formal Low Cost Therapy service, improving accessibility and staying true to our values of enabling everyone to have as much therapy as they feel they need.

How you can help

If you would like to contribute to NLMT's Subsidies Fund, you can do so here. Every penny of your donation will go towards providing access to those who need music therapy the most for their mental health.

NLMT works with children, teenagers and adults of all stages of life. We have three clinics in Finchley, Greenwich and Bloomsbury, and we're increasing our outreach work across North London in partnership with private organisations, the third sector and the NHS. Our two main patient groups are anxiety and autism - along with all mental health conditions that present alongside.

Follow the link here to donate. Thank you for your support!

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