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Happy Birthday North London Music Therapy!

And just like that, North London Music Therapy is one year old today! NLMT started completely from scratch - no ready referral list, no previously agreed contracts waiting in the wings - so all of the services provided in the past year have been new and generated from relationship building, useful advert placement and delivering on the promise of high-quality, thoughtful work suitable for anyone of any age with a mental health condition in the community.

In the past year, North London Music Therapy has:

  • provided sessions in four different venues

  • worked with children, adolescents and adults

  • offered music therapy for anxiety, stress, depression, autism and mental health conditions as a result of a primary diagnosis

  • given its first workshop, USING YOUR VOICE, aimed at developing the vocal skills of music therapists

  • taken on a new clinician to make a team of two!

As NLMT's Director, I am delighted at the successes the service has had this year and am looking forward to what's coming next. NLMT will continue to provide music therapy clinics from two main hubs, one in Highgate and one in Hatch End, with the opportunity also to provide music therapy in schools, hospitals or at home - we've got the resources to do so. We're proud to offer long-term therapy, with no time limit, as we believe that everyone should have as much therapy as they need.

We're also developing more workshops and online masterclasses: for music therapists, for those thinking about becoming music therapists, and some great resources for the corporate sector.

Thank you to everyone who has supported NLMT throughout its first year. Whether liking, sharing, telling friends and colleagues or making referrals, everything counts. Thank you to our service users for trusting in what we're providing. Here's to the next year - and beyond!

Sign up to keep up to date with the latest news from North London Music Therapy here.

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